Monday, August 31, 2015

Digital Badge #A - Chapter 1

  This chapter was eye opening for me. I knew that the 21st century was one of technology but I had no idea how much it incorporated into the teaching profession. To be honest it is a little intimidating. Hopefully, this class will help prepare me and slightly calm my technology anxiety!

  Three Reflective Concepts:

  Digital Childhood: I had no idea how technologically intellectual children are this day in age. I was aware that parents let their children play on their Iphones and tablet but to find out that "over half of US children under the age of five were using some type of electronic device.." (Transforming Learning With New Technologies). This is information that I think will definitely help me adjust to an IGeneration. Having grown up with mostly dry erase boards and overhead projectors we were more technologically advanced than our parents but the technology available today has far outreached anything that teachers had grown up with or were adapted to. I think learning from the children would actually be a stepping stone in this new age of learning.

  Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): This is the new and improved method of teaching students from the 21st century. Taking the methods that have been instilled in instructors from the very beginning and integrating the newest technologies opens up a whole new world of education and learning capabilities. Teachers are essentially the students when it comes to operating and learning the newest technologies. This opens a whole new spectrum of activities and methods that teachers can use to integrate their curriculum into the material. This to me is amazing. I hated the everyday routine of reading a chapter in a textbook and taking notes. Or listening to a lecture while following along with the chapter.

  Digital Identity As a Teacher: This was a portion of the chapter that really helped me put everything all together. Technology isn't just for showing materials or giving a lesson. Technology for teachers today can help them through out their entire day. Teachers can make a lesson plan, use tools on the internet for activities, grow and develop as educators and show students how to enable technology to better further their educational careers. A teacher can reinvent their entire personality as an educator by introducing technology into their creative methods (Exploring Digital Identity: Beyond the Private Public Paradox). This really made me excited for the different things I could do in a classroom setting.

Exploring Digital Identity: Beyond the Private Public Paradox

  I had no idea how much technology played a roll in education. It's not just for students but also for the educators. Teachers can help their students in such a vast spectrum if they introduce the technological aspect of learning. This blog was completely new to me. It was my first step in gaining knowledge to the new world of technological education. I can't wait to find out what else I learn and how I can incorporate it into my career goals.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., &  Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies: 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
Koosel, Staceey M. "Exploring Digital Identity: Beyond the Private Public Paradox." Exploring Digital Identity: Beyond the Private Public Paradox. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.